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Low Aerosol Restorations

In today’s environment, there’s a focus on restorative techniques where aerosols are reduced to a minimum. Discover how minimally invasive techniques can help you reduce, and in some cases eliminate, the use of high – speed hand pieces to give you peace of mind.

GC is a global leader in glass-based restorative technology. With GC’s glass ionomer and glass hybrid restorative systems, you can provide patients with interim and/or long-term clinical solutions. In this section, you will find many cases successfully completed with minimal to no aerosols generated.

Featured Cases

Dr. Jeremy Horst used EQUIA Forte® HT in this emergency treatment to restore these fractured maxillary central incisors.  No high-speed hand piece was used and no further preparation to the tooth structure was done prior to EQUIA Forte® HT placement.

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Dr. Jeanette Maclean used EQUIA Forte® HT to restore a fractured lower incisor. No high-speed drill was used for this clinical case. Additionally, no further preparation to the tooth was done; only slow-speed finishing was used.


Dental Education

  • ○ Live Webinar

    Proven Value: How Glass Ionomer Technology Completes Your Restorative Repertoire

    This CE webinar is intended to be a thought-provoking discussion on how a blend of new and old methods and materials can allow us to create lasting value and protection for our patients. Clinical tips and brand suggestions will be included. ...more

  • ○ Podcast

    The Benefits of Glass Ionomer Sealants

    Our guest is Dr. Jeanette MacLean, a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, private practice owner, and internationally recognized advocate and expert on silver diamine fluoride. She was featured in a recent New York Times article on silver diamine fluoride.... more

  • ○ On Demand

    Like a Fine Wine, Glass Ionomer Restoratives Keep Getting Better

    This one-hour CE webinar will describe how glass ionomer restorative materials bond to teeth and how they are useful in caries management. Latest advancements of glass ionomer technology will be discussed and the clinical indications for many types of glass ionomer materials will be described... more

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Safe & Secure Practice

Additional Resources

There are many concerns globally as it relates to the impact on the business of the dental practice. This is also being driven by...

Safe & Secure Practice

Global Resources World Health Organization – Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic​ World Health Organization – Rolling Updates on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) FDI World...

Emergency Treatments

Dr. Lance  Kisby  used EQUIA Forte®  HT to achieve a superb seal after capping exposed pulp with Biodentine® (from Septodont). See the before and after below! BEFORE...

Emergency Treatments

Dr. Victor Cedillo Felix treated a patient who presented with pain because of a faulty restoration causing micro leakage and reversible pulpitis. Dr. Cedillo Felix replaced...