In today’s environment, there’s a focus on restorative techniques where aerosols are reduced to a minimum. Discover how minimally invasive techniques can help you reduce, and in some cases eliminate, the use of high – speed hand pieces to give you peace of mind.
GC is a global leader in glass-based restorative technology. With GC’s glass ionomer and glass hybrid restorative systems, you can provide patients with interim and/or long-term clinical solutions. In this section, you will find many cases successfully completed with minimal to no aerosols generated.
Featured Cases
Dr. Jeremy Horst used EQUIA Forte® HT in this emergency treatment to restore these fractured maxillary central incisors. No high-speed hand piece was used and no further preparation to the tooth structure was done prior to EQUIA Forte® HT placement.
Dr. Jeanette Maclean used EQUIA Forte® HT to restore a fractured lower incisor. No high-speed drill was used for this clinical case. Additionally, no further preparation to the tooth was done; only slow-speed finishing was used.